Orion Bow jamming sometimes, (I've no idea how to fix this without dropping the whole charged weapon concept.) Some monsters still capable of some acts while frozen (jumping, etc.) All tomahawks appear as fire tomahawks in third person Double attack bug, most prominant with xbows Ticket Bank freaks if you have more than one of the ticket or item you are trying to trade Health/mana indicator madness (see yonder) All water sometimes goes white (texture stretch bug, restart) Sitting animation bugs (sometimes saves to character for awhile) Can't use charge attack in laggy conditions. Occasionally a weapon/spell will stop doing damage until it is unequipped then re-equipped. Lights/sprites not going away / sticking to other objects (Sticky client-side effects)

All entities invisible bug (type kill in console to cure). Parts of body vanishing after using ice shield or otherwise gaining a glow shell (But hey, at least those who enjoy the rain can do so without you. ¢ clearsky doesn't stop some server-side effects (lightning may continue if you use it during storm). It also makes the birds chirp in twice as the map switches to day for the first time, for some odd reason. ¢ Under the new Day/Night fx system, the map starts at night (always has I guess) - but with the fade-in sequence this is particularly jarring (lest, the server time is already night). This also happens with the neck hunter, beer, potion, apples, and a few other misc items. Might just have to unconsolidate sheild model

Winter wolf pets >3000hp not freezing targets with howlġh Axes cause shield or axe in other hand to âdouble submodelâ or otherwise display the wrong model Using "-num_edicts 4096" in the HLDS switches, and having the server restart when it is empty ("ms_reset_if_empty 1" in server.cfg), combined with giving another minute or two leeway for restarts seems to help alleviate this problem quite a bit, if not eliminate it.

Still getting No Free Edict Errors (ED_Alloc:no free edicts) = Working on it, = wtf/unconfirmed, = fixed next release